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19 March, 2018

CfP: workshop on "Socio-Cognitive Systems: Computational and Formal models" @FAIM2018, Stockholm July 2018



Socio-Cognitive Systems: Computational and Formal models

A Workshop @ FAIM2018 (Federated AI Meeting which includes AAMAS, ICML, ICCBR and SoCS)
Stockholmsmässan, Stockholm July 9-19. 2018


Important dates:

 Deadline for submissions:               1 May 2018
 Notification of acceptance:              25 May 2018
 Camera-ready copy of papers:        15 June 2018
 Workshop:                                         14 or 15 July 2018
Much of AI only makes sense within the social systems they are embedded. In the real world these social systems in their turn are created and maintained by the people and thus their cognitive abilities.
In this workshop, we want to explore the interactions between cognitive and social aspects of so-called socio-cognitive systems. The workshop connects elements of IJCAI/ECAI, AAMAS and ICML. Of course, modelling these systems in terms of Multi-Agent Systems seems intuitive, but would require special attention to the social concepts in these MAS. The cognitive abilities of the agents should adapt themselves to the social context and development, which connects this area to machine learning in a social context.

The topics of the workshop include but are not limited to:

  • Social norms, conventions and practices
  • Institutions
  • Social networks and their dynamics
  • Group recognition and membership
  • Development of (social) 
  • IdentityStatus and power relations
  • Plan coordination
  • Social agency
  • Social adaptation
  • Social self-regulation
  • The construction of social reality
  • Complex negotiations
  • Agreed naming and reference
  • Cultural coherence
  • Foundations of Communication
  • The construction and coordination of complex value-chains
  • Enculturation
  • Co-development of social context

SCS welcomes high-quality research that goes beyond looking at social aspects of individual cognition or the properties of individuals in social systems and seeks to truly integrate these two layers. We particularly welcome interdisciplinary research, work that seeks to tackle areas that have been ignored before and novel approaches to relating the cognitive and the social. We are agnostic about the kind of approach or tools used, but favour approaches with an identifiable empirical or computational/formal content - both systems constructed for a particular goal in mind and models of observed or theoretical systems. However, the aim is to give new insights - into social science, cognitive science and Artificial Intelligence - merely formalising or implementing a system is not enough. We welcome contributions from a wide range of standpoints as long as this does not involve an effective reduction to only the individual or social levels.
Papers will undergo the normal review process and are selected on the basis of quality. However, when choices have to be made we will try to spread the accepted papers over the main themes of the workshop. Interesting ideas are more important in this respect than detailed results on fringe topics.

A selection of the best papers of the workshop will be considered for a special issue of the new Springer journal on Socio-Cognitive Systems.


Formatting guidelines:


We encourage participants to submit a paper (15 pages max), describing their work on one or more of the topics mentioned above. All non-presenting participants will need to submit a one-page position statement which presents their view on socio-cognitive systems relative to (one of) the workshop topics.

All submissions must include the author's name(s), affiliation, complete mailing address, phone number, fax number and email address. Please use the LNCS format for formatting your paper.

All accepted submissions and position statements will be published in the workshop proceedings.


Submission procedure:


Submissions should be submitted through the EasyChair system:
 ( in PDF format. 

The deadline for receipt of submissions is 1 May 2018. Papers received after this date will not be reviewed.


Workshop Organizers

1          Frank Dignum, Utrecht University,The Netherlands 
2          Bruce Edmonds, Manchester Metropolitan University ,UK


Program Committee (to be confirmed):

1.            Melania Borit
2.            Amit Chopra
3.            Edmund Chattoe-Brown    
4.            Stephen Cranefield
5.            Kristen Dautenhahn
6.            Gert-Jan Hofstede
7.            Wander Jager        
8.            Catholijn Jonker
9.            Yoshi Kashima
10.         Victor Lesser
11.         Emiliano Lorini       
12.         Stacy Marsella
13.         John-Jules Meyer   
14.         Rui Prada   
15.         Javier Vazquez Salceda
16.         Munindar Singh
17.         Pawel Sobkowicz
18.         Wamberto Vasconcelos
19.         Harko Verhagen
20.         Nanda Weijermans