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13 August, 2012

Informal Workshop on "Qualitative Evidence to Agent Rules" 19th September 2012

There will be an informal workshop on Wednesday  the 19th September on the relationship between qualitative evidence and behavioural rules.  During the last few years I have come across an increasing number of people who are either interested in this topic and so have decided to organise an initial informal workshop to discuss this.

The workshop will start at 11am and finish at 5pm.  It will happen at the MMU Business School, see for how to get there (for many this will involve travelling by train to Manchester Piccadilly railway station and then either walking or catching the "147" bus getting out next to the aquatics centre).

If you want to come and listen and discuss, just turn up.  If you want to give a presentation please send a short abstract to me ( by the 9th September.  Given the informal nature of this and uncertainty about how many people will come I can not guarantee that everyone who wants to can give a presentation.  However the last hour 4-5pm (and maybe later in even more informal contexts) will be reserved for open discussion about future directions and initiatives.  Lunch will up to each participant, either in the Business School cafe or nearby.

Bruce Edmonds