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22 April, 2013

Book announcement: "Simulating Social Complexity - a handbook"

The following book has just been published:

Edmonds, B. & Meyer, R. (eds.) (2013) Simulating Social Complexity - a
. Springer.

The chapters are as follows:

***Part I Introductory Material***

1 Introduction to the Handbook by Bruce Edmonds and Ruth Meyer

2 Historical Introduction by Klaus G. Troitzsch

3 Types of Simulation by Paul Davidsson and Harko Verhagen

***Part II Methodology***

4 Informal Approaches to Developing Simulation Models by Emma Norling,
Bruce Edmonds, and Ruth Meyer

5 A Formal Approach to Building Compositional Agent-Based Simulations by
Catholijn M. Jonker and Jan Treur

6 Checking Simulations: Detecting and Avoiding Errors and Artefacts by Jose
́ M. Gala ́n, Luis R. Izquierdo, Segismundo S. Izquierdo, Jose ́ I. Santos,
Ricardo del Olmo, and Adolfo Lo ́pez-Paredes

7 Documenting Social Simulation Models: The ODD Protocol as a Standard by
Volker Grimm, Gary Polhill, and Julia Touza

8 Validating Simulations by Nuno David

9 Understanding Simulation Results by Andrew Evans, Alison Heppenstall, and
Mark Birkin

10 Participatory Approaches by Olivier Barreteau, Pieter Bots, Katherine
Daniell, Michel Etienne, Pascal Perez, Ce ́cile Barnaud, Didier Bazile,
Nicolas Becu, Jean-Christophe Castella, William’s Dare ́, and Guy Trebuil

11 Combining Mathematical and Simulation Approaches to Understand the
Dynamics of Computer Models by Luis R. Izquierdo, Segismundo S. Izquierdo,
Jose ́ M. Gala ́n, and Jose ́ I. Santos

12 Interpreting and Understanding Simulations: The Philosophy of Social
Simulation by R. Keith Sawyer

***Part III Mechanisms***

13 Utility, Games, and Narratives by Guido Fioretti

14 Social Constraint by Martin Neumann

15 Reputation by Francesca Giardini, Rosaria Conte, and Mario Paolucci

16 Social Networks and Spatial Distribution by Fre ́de ́ric Amblard and
Walter Quattrociocchi

17 Learning by Michael W. Macy, Stephen Benard, and Andreas Flache

18 Evolutionary Mechanisms by Edmund Chattoe-Brown and Bruce Edmonds

*** Part IV Applications ***

19 Agent-Based Modelling and Simulation Applied to Environmental Management
by Christophe Le Page, Didier Bazile, Nicolas Becu, Pierre Bommel, Franc
̧ois Bousquet, Michel Etienne, Raphael Mathevet, Ve ́ronique Souche`re, Guy
Tre ́buil, and Jacques Weber

20 Assessing Organisational Design by Virginia Dignum

21 Distributed Computer Systems by David Hales

22 Simulating Complexity of Animal Social Behaviour by Charlotte Hemelrijk

23 Agent-Based Simulation as a Useful Tool for the Study of Markets by
Juliette Rouchier

24 Movement of People and Goods by Linda Ramstedt, Johanna To ̈rnquist
Krasemann, and Paul Davidsson

25 Modeling Power and Authority: An Emergentist View from Afghanistan by
Armando Geller and Scott Moss

26 Human Societies: Understanding Observed Social Phenomena by Bruce
Edmonds, Pablo Lucas, Juliette Rouchier, and Richard Taylor

The publishers page on this is at: